Enrico Pezzoli

Enrico Pezzoli

Guest Teacher

Enrico Pezzoli is an actor and theatre director with high background in history of drama and theatre and a long experience

in acting and directing theatre performances. Beside he is a professional magician, an art that he studied since the age of 8

and that started to practice and to perform full time since 1990.

From 1989 he took part in many workshop and courses about theater and drama and have studied with some of the most

important Italian actors as Antonio Fava, Anna Bolens and Eugenio Allegri, specializing in medieval theater and Commedia

dell’Arte; in 1995 he took his bachelor at the University of Bologna (Drama and Music) and consequently started to work

also as a director; in the same year he formed a private theatre company (“Terra di Nessuno”) that run till 1997.

During his years as actor and drama director, Enrico performed several times as clown and comedy actor, mixing often his

knowledge of magic, the art that he never forgot.

When he moved to Latvia in 1997, he started to direct stage performances and to work as adviser for special effects for TV

and stage events; beside he started to explore, together with Dace, a new form of art: Soap bubbles. In the '90 only few

people was working with this new form of entertainment and Enrico & Dace was between the first pioneer of this art,

becoming so known for their job to be called in 2014 for to organize and perform in a segment of the closing ceremony of

the Winter Olympic games in Sochi, all about bubbles.