Gaston is an actor, comedian, and master magician all rolled up into one. Born in Munich Germany, Gaston started performing magic at an early age of seven. He trained at the school of magic in Munich where he later became a teacher. In 1988 he started working on adding skills with intensive classes of pantomime, ballet, jazz, acting, and attended the Drama School in Munich. He’s written and starred in two solo shows that have played in Germany; both shows revolving around 10 characters from literature. You will recogonize Gaston as part of the famous German group The Flicking Fingers. Collectively, The Flicking Fingers have won the Sarmoti Award from Siegfried & Roy in Las Vegas and lecturer of the Year, 2009, from the Magic Castle. Gaston has appeared at FISM four times and is the 2006 FISM World Champion of Parlor Magic in Stockholm. He was Germany’s “ 2006 Magician of the Year” and the “2005 German Champion.